Why yet another attack surface management tool?
Like so many other products out there, the idea behind scarlet came about due to necessity. There simply wasn’t the tooling available to do what our clients wanted to do. So, being engineers ourselves, we went ahead and did our research, then built it. You know how it is.
About now, you may be wondering what exactly it was that the existing products didn’t do?
Firstly, most of the existing products focused exclusively on the big-three cloud vendors: Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google GCP. However, for our clients that used a vendor other than the big-three, they were left with at-best only partial support for their platforms. scarlet is committed to supporting the widest selection of cloud platforms. We already have seven clouds supported today, and we will be adding another few every month from now on. For example, if your front-end is on Cloudflare, and the worker nodes are split between Azure and DigitalOcean, then we can support your particular combination, in full, right now.
Secondly, the other products were designed to silo the attack surface data away in a proprietary management system, which meant yet another set of pie charts for our clients to look at. They told us that they found this frustrating, as they already had established management systems for their platforms and applications, and just wanted to enhance the data, not replace it. So, with that in mind, scarlet was designed to plug straight into the existing ChatOps, SEIM and vulnerability management systems they already used every day. Leaving them nothing new to manage and monitor. Instant value.
Lastly, our clients found that the existing attack surface management products were generally part of a larger product suite, which was prohibitively expensive to license and often required a significant investment in new hosting platforms, and consultancy to get it up and running. In contrast, scarlet is entirely SaaS based, there is nothing to install, and it is licensed on a straightforward, metered basis. There’s no up-front commitment, and if you don’t use it much, you don’t pay much. It’s no more complicated than that.
So, if you’re still not sure whether scarlet is for you, why not just give it a try? There’s a free, unrestricted trial available, and you only need an email address to register. You could literally be up and running, and seeing the value in ten minutes.